Free PC and Mac programs to operate AccuPel Digital Video Generators from your computer desktop. This program also allows you to enter your own color and grayscale values in percent(%) or directly as 8-bit or 10-bit digital video values. AccuPel Desktop v2.7 (New Version 2/13/13)

Download DVG-5000 Desktop for PC

Download DVG-5000 Desktop for Mac
New in version 2.7 (requires DVG-5000 version 4.7x firmware)

1. Select color and Gray Scale window sizes from 5.0% to 20.0% of frame area.
2. Select checkerboard sizes from 2x2 to 9x9.
3. Turn PLUGE stripes in Gray Scale window patterns on or off.
4. User values entered in % are now converted to both 8-bit and 10-bit precision digital video values.
5. The HDMI Standard Range may be disabled to enter 10-bit(8-bit) digital video values greater than 1019(254) or less than 4(1).

New in version 2.6 (requires DVG-5000 version 4.5x firmware)

1. Gray Scale Windows borders (window surround) can be set to 8-bit, 10-bit, or integer % user values.
2. Gray2Color Function - Any gray (non-color) pattern can be set to green, blue, red, cyan, yellow, or magenta color.

New in version 2.5

1. Pattern history lists can be saved & opened as files.
2. Previous history list is automatically restored when re-opening the DVG-5000 Desktop.
3. Direct entry of 8-bit custom color and grayscale values in addition to direct entry of 10-bit custom values.
4. Delete All button added for History list.

AccuPel DVG-5000 Desktop
© 2016 AccuPel - Final features and pricing subject to change